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Pareto Principle and forewarned

Von bbqfan, 27.06.2013, 04:35
To ensure the message sunk in, you were exposed to principal time wasting habits such as procrastination and what you should do about it. For added effect,windsor healthyou must have been taught the Pareto Principle and forewarned to always be forearmed against trivial things that don't add much value to your job. To ensure you were one of the top ten best time managers of your generation, you must have read a couple of books on your own, and listened to a copious number of time management tapes, learning along the way how to handle uninvited visitors, unsolicited mails and how to conduct meetings. All you have learnt so far still leaves unanswered the question: WHAT IS THE WORTH OF AN HOUR OF YOUR TIME?

To some, what I am about to reveal will be the epiphany they have been waiting for to take their performance to a whole new level. To others, it will just make them far better at time management than they ever thought was possible. You will gain rapid promotion at your workplace if you apply one tenth of what you are about to learn to your daily routine, and make it the new way you live your life.Welding machine Even though I have been teaching time management for over twenty years I didn't know back then some of the things I am about to reveal to you now. As a matter of fact, years back, I took the entire management cadre of what is now Unity Bank (then called Habib Bank) on time management. Everyone, from the rank of manager up to managing director attended, paving the way to my status as a time management guru. A few years later, after I joined Diamond Bank, I designed time tracking logs for one of the branches in Apapa, but after a few weeks the logs were abandoned because no one wanted to know how badly s/he managed his or her time. Even back then I didn't have the answer to the question: WHAT IS THE WORTH OF AN HOUR OF YOUR TIME?

Well that may not be entirely correct. I had an answer, but it was the wrong answer. It's the same wrong answer that guides how most organizations allocate their time resources. For instance, a typical work day consists of 8 hours, so if your salary is say $1million per month, viola your hourly rate is approximately $4,166 Naira, which is just another way of saying divide $1million by 30 and then divide the figure you've got by 8. Nothing could be further from the truth, but that is how most people rate their time. They simply divide their monthly pay by the average number of hours they work per month to arrive at their hourly rate. As I said earlier, nothing could be further from the truth. No consulting company like Accenture, KPMG, or PWC would dare do that and that is why they charge sky-high rates for any assignment you contract them to do. Have you ever wondered why top consulting companies are so costly and can be afforded only by the fortune 1,000 companies? It's because they value or rate their time differently.electric welding machine Maybe I'm jumping the gun here so we need to retrace our steps a little back, while still seeking the right answer to the question: WHAT IS THE WORTH OF AN HOUR OF YOUR TIME?

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