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Old Testament

Von bbqfan, 28.05.2013, 06:17
If one is to believe any part of the bible then the Old Testament,Hong Kong Company Formation taken from the Septuagint, includes the promises given to the Spiritual Children of God, the House of Israel. It was translated by Jerome and added to his production of the New Testament and the two books became the Vulgate, still housed in the Vatican archival library.

Among the prophecies therein is a reference to the fraud that would come against the Children of Israel to imprison them in the lies taken from Egypt. They also foretell of the beast of Revelation who declares that he will rise above God and sit in the temple as the Divine (Isaiah 14:12-276. He is called the Assyrian and later the Amorite (Amos 2:9).

Leaving the New Testament aside (because it is part of the conspiracy put up by the one who established the religion in 325AC) one gets a cleaner picture of the reality of where the religion originates and on what it is based. EmperorVirtual Office Constantine had forced his way up to sole ruler of the vast Roman Empire and he exercised his plan to have supreme control without other rulers being required. Prior to him there had been five emperors controlling the various divisions.

When he built the Vatican to house the new religious parliament he was the head over it. The ones working for him down the line included bishops, priest and laity, along with numerous others encouraged to enter the fold. They spoke the local languages and dialects and could enforce his orders. The first of these was to make everyone worship the image he put into his religion in the form of Jesus Christ. He did this on the pain of death and his edicts have survived.

Revelation 13:13-18 state that he had power to create miracles, to make fire come down from heaven and to make an image of the beast with the wound by a sword that did live. That, of course, is Jesus Christ. It also states that he forced all, rich and poor, free or bond, young and old to worship the beast and that anyone who did not worship it would be killed.

There is only one man and one image that these things relate to and that is to Constantine, who established the Catholic Church in 325AC, and to the image of Christ that he invented as its Saviour. He is therein declared to have the number 666. If, as this states,tin manufactory he invented Christ then he is also the inventor of Christianity and neither existed before that date.

The scholars who have worked trying to prove otherwise have been fooled by the New Testament which is in complete contradiction to that of the Old Testament. Jerome noted in his diary and letters that he altered parts of the latter to make it conform to the work he did.

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