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bbq love

bbq love

healthy with lighter versions

Von bbqfan, 20.12.2012, 08:52
The holidays normally feature and promote those familiar, large tins with gourmet flavors in them, but tins are ideal for year-round storage and keep the product fresh for months at a time. Bags are also no exception and offer a fun or personalized container to store this snack in.tin box forfood Whether it is the classic red-and-white striped popcorn bag or just a plain brown paper lunch sack, there is no limit on choices.

Popcorn oil is also no exception when it comes to a bold statement. Go healthy with lighter versions, classic with peanut oil, or exotic with coconut oil. The choice is most certainly up to the snack maker.

When and on what occasion should it be made? Any occasion suits this treat. While movie night is the most idealized time to have it,tea tin box popcorn can be made for any reason and at any time. Enjoy it from the comforts of home, as a midday snack, or even as a late night hunger-buster. Eat it plain, and enjoy it without having to worry about caloric build-up. Have some doused in butter with a pinch of salt and go for a more classic bite. Try something new and go Italian with some garlic salt, Parmesan cheese and melted butter. There's no true limit.

There are other ways to use popcorn as well. Create a ball and cover it in chocolate. Make that familiar decorative string with the whole family specifically for the Christmas tree, or craft something for just an around-the-house decoration or someone's birthday. Different salts and food coloring help to create fun colored strings,dvd box wholesale or sprinkle with a little paprika and create a creepy bloody brains snack bowl for Halloween, the possibilities are endless. Customize and create a new flavor or means of popping that no one has ever tried before and become a popcorn connoisseur.

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